3PAE is about Africans teaching Africans. This show highlights Guests GERVIN, TEACHER at Success Roots School from Nakivale Refugee Camp; + JOSEPH, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & KENNETH, TEACHER at Atibi School from Busia, Uganda. They share how 3P positively affects the students, teachers, parents & community. The topic included sharing on corporal punishment which is common in African schools, but not 3P schools
VIDEO AVAILABLE-- https://youtu.be/oq-G7veJsmg
3P in Africa Webpage -- https://3p-in-africa.mykajabi.com/3p-in-africa-start-page
3P in Africa Slideshow -- https://youtu.be/6MSO_-VBvc4
3P in Africa Facebook Group -- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1121901222280302
3P in Africa YouTube Channel -- https://www.youtube.com/@3PinAFRICA-tw5qv
3P in Africa Documentary -- https://youtu.be/Qq0Sww_AH34