When Jack Pransky (who approved this offering) taught 1 class in “3P in Africa”, he stated, “he wished there were more projects like this in America.” Modello was the inspirational light for 3P Community work when Sydney Banks was alive, and in many ways is the inspiration for our many 3P in Africa projects.
Modello is the true story from beginning to end of how Dr. Roger Mills and staff accomplished the “miracle” in the Modello and Homestead Gardens Housing Projects, applying the Three Principles/Health Realization approach based on a new spiritual psychology. Through extensive interviews with residents as well as Dr. Mills, his staff and other professionals, a very compelling and moving portrait is painted of how two low-income, inner-city housing projects replete with violence, crack, drug gangs, abuse, welfare dependency and hopelessness were completely turned around within two-and-a-half years. This book shows how people who lived in the most difficult circumstances were reached, came to find hope and changed their lives. “In all my years in prevention I have never seen this level of change in people!” It is a truly inspirational story. The lives of people on whom society has given up were completely turned around. At the same time it is a sociological study. It shows how a new and different inside-out, spiritual paradigm, which on the surface seems too simple and backwards to possibly work in such overwhelming conditions, can produce incredible results and create changes in people’s lives that stand head and shoulders above the traditional outside-in paradigm for prevention, human services, social work, community development and education. It has vast implications for improving humanity’s social ills.
1/3 of Modello audiobook in “3P in Africa” YouTube Channel -- Chapters 1-7 https://youtu.be/i2S5Sdml76U
Chapter 8-22 of this Modello Audiobook starts at 3:37.33 or 3 hours and 37 minutes and 33 seconds