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Harold Derbitsky, President of ACT (Advanced Coaches Training) Inc. specializes in projects and training's in these major areas:


  • Diversity including African, Muslim, and Indigenous (Native American) 

  • Addicted and Low Income communities and projects

  • Mental health issues -- Educating and Counselling

  • Mentoring 

  • Zoom Rooms and Sessions worldwide including Africa, North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania   & South America 


His understanding is expressed via his insights regarding the Three Universal Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought, as uncovered by his teacher Sydney Banks, who stated in the book 'The Missing Link':

All human behaviour and social structures on earth are formed via

Mind, Consciousness and Thought.

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Harold Derbitsky

alleviating all suffering

“Mind, Consciousness and Thought are the psychological trinity of all human experience on earth. They are the hidden pearls that lead us to our true identity.”...Sydney Banks


Thought is the creative force of the Universe and, as taught by Sydney Banks, the Missing Link between Spirituality and Psychology.


The Three Principles have had a profound impact on every aspect of life, including: education, business and leadership, addiction and PTSD recovery, athletic performance, community work, and marriage and family counseling.  My own well-being is directly related to my understanding of the Principles.


 "Psychology without Spirituality is like a person dying from lack of water in the middle of the Sahara Desert, sitting down for a drink with a tall, empty glass.  The glass looks hopeful, but the person still dies." ...Harold Derbitsky

healing of addictions

 The Missing Link:  Journey to Happiness and Well Being


For those in recovery from addictions who desire a deeper understanding of healing and alleviating the suffering of all peoples. An Insight-based approach to Happiness and Contentment.  Insights based on our true nature and the nature of the Three Principles of Mind, Thought and Consciousness.


Teachings:  All work that I undertake educates my clients or readers in the spiritual side of psychology.  The participants will center on accessing and experiencing their own inner wisdom+ understanding the role of Thought.  


4-STAGE Approach to Addiction:

What are the 4 milestones that I look for regarding progress and transformation in my clients, while teaching the 3 Principles?


hehealing of Native People
healing in diversity

Working in diversity seems to attract my talents and mind. In the earlier years, I worked extensively with the Indigenous Native Americans. Now, ACT and Harry's Team is leading "3P in Africa."  In Africa, we have 15-20 separate 3P projects. We have created a wave of alleviating human suffering that many would describe as beyond belief.  3P in Africa  programs/educators in schools, communities, youth, parents, women, and alcohol changed people’s lives from despair to happiness. “Happiness is Free” became a reality, rather than just a slogan.





Click on button to view video of HIGHLIGHTS of 3P IN AFRICA with projects in Alcohol Healing, youth, schools and other areas.. 

Humans possess the inner power to choose their actions, even when negative thoughts arise. True freedom lies in the ability to not ACT on those thoughts.
Join our Bi-Monthly Zoom Addiction & 3 Principles Webinar:
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